Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Art of Zong Zhou Wang

I am a big fan of Professor Wang's art

Faux Libertarianism

From the day I first discovered libertarianism in the late 70s I naturally kept my eyes out for people around me who had similar values. Soon I would find the few who described themselves as "libertarians". Early on, it took some study, basic reading skills at least, to even now the word existed so the level of understanding of the philosophy among those I met was relatively high, even among the detractors.

While I realize that over the decades, the movement has made great progress. The success of political campaigns (some I even worked on) , celebrity outings, high profile academics, occasional electoral/legislative victories, general awareness etc are all undeniable. Perhaps because of these things contributing to the general "liberalization" of the generation that has grown up since I first read Rothbard there is substance to the case that a tide is swelling. I suspect it may be.

However, these trends have not gone unnoticed by the powers that be. Young people just learning about the philosophy of freedom today are growing up in a minefield of noise clamoring to show them the way to the promise land. False prophets who posit such Orwellian non sequiturs as: "Libertarian Interventionism" or "Libertarian Paternalism" are the professional sock puppets of the establishment. They will take the minds of the confused and teach them that War is Peace.

There is only one antidote: educate yourselves. Read!

Libertarianism IS NOT conservatism minus what you don't like about the Republicans!
It is a complete and consistent philosophy of freedom based on human reason.
Look at what you don't like about it, learn and understand its foundation and you just might change your mind. If you don't, for the sake of intellectual integrity at least, don't call yourself a libertarian.
The human race will never make progress by people banding together and pretending to be something they aren't.

Here's a great place to start: For a New Liberty